In the News: Haiti Gold Rush

CBC’s “The Current” has a broadcast about precious metals in Haiti:

Haiti’s President, Michel Martelly, is anxious to welcome foreign investment. Haiti is still recovering from the earthquake of 2010 and remains the most impoverished country in the Western hemisphere. World Vision estimates Haiti’s 10 million people live on an average income of less than 700 dollars a year.

But recent discoveries of precious metals in the country’s northeast have some residents feeling optimistic that their lives could improve. In fact, there’s talk of a Haitian gold rush with some estimates suggesting gold, silver and copper deposits worth 20 Billion dollars.

Listen to the program.

A Look at some Past THAC Events

This weekend, I’ve been putting our new WordPress site together, and moving a bunch of our graphic assets around, and I started looking at a number of our past event posters. We had the benefit of having some attractive posters for some of our best events.

Take a look at these past posters: