A first look at Port au Prince

This morning, prior to leaving the city for the countryside, we went to Haiti’s cathedral to pay our respects at the funderal mass of a respected Catholic father who recently passed away. Father Ednea Devaloin was a colleague of Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a proponent of the liberation theology movement in the CAtholic Church. Several thousand people attended the service.

The streets of Port au Prince are a swirl of human activity. The main streets are paved and filled with the “tap tap’ vehicles that serve as public transport for most ordinary people and pedestrians making their way along the narrow sidewalks. Most tap taps are converted pick up trucks, and fares cost 20 cents or so. Secondary streets are unpaved and very rough.

Continue reading A first look at Port au Prince

Day One in Haiti

Port au Prince! We flew in this afternoon from Miami on one of the several daily flights of American Airlines. A full flight, and I’m guessing that many of the Haitian passengers were arriving for summer visits from the U.S. and Canada.

Port au Prince is on the coast and it lies on a plain surrounded by impressive mountains. We got a good view of much of the Haitian coastline as we flew in.

Continue reading Day One in Haiti